Thanks for the Mammaries


Is this a world where to be someone, you have to be with someone?

Andi and Rachel’s voyage of discovery explores that ever-changing territory of sex, friendship, love and relationships….set in the nineties this is a hot, horny and hormonal look at life for 2 twenty-somethings!

Performance poetry, witty dialogue and thought provoking monologues make this a charming and entertaining piece guaranteed to raise a titter!


Play Reviews

Vivamus pellentesque vitae neque at vestibulum. Donec efficitur mollis dui vel pharetra.
— Jonathan L.
Vivamus pellentesque vitae neque at vestibulum. Donec efficitur mollis dui vel pharetra.
— Jonathan L.

Play Productions

Production One — details

Production One — details

Production One — details

Production One — details

Production One — details

Production One — details